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curated networking

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Exclusive Networking Experiences

Creators Social

Haitians Who Blog quarterly socials are an exclusive curated experience that provides creative space for local creatives to gain resources and develop collaborative opportunities with like-minded creatives.  Curated by creatives like you, at the Creators social, creatives are asked to show up as their radical self and open their minds to the wealth of knowledge in creative industries that neglect the inclusion of Haitian Creatives cultural contributions. 

Wine and Kremas

Haitians Who Blog fundraising event to bring local communities together and enjoy the delicate taste of Haiti by a wine and kremas tasting. All proceeds of the Wine and Kremas tasting goes to local mentoring programs within the community. Previous causes supported | G.E.M.S Girlz Mentoring Program

Open mic

Haitians Who Blog taps into niche markets that thrive on creative spaces with great vibes. Showcasing intimate experiences that encourages underdogs to be bought into the forefront.  Producing events nationwide and bringing together independent artists, sketch comedians, storytellers, poets, and  instrumental musicians, all under one roof.

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